Big Idea: Faithfulness to God is reflected in our worship, leadership, and relationships—especially in marriage. God calls us to honor Him with our actions and guard our hearts from compromise. Icebreaker: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given about relationships, marriage, or commitment? Or, What’s the worst piece of relationship advice you’ve ever heard? Questions Read Malachi 2:1-2. Why is God so serious about honoring His name? Read Malachi 2:5-6. What qualities made Levi a godly leader? Read Malachi 2:8. How can spiritual leaders cause others to stumble? Read Malachi 2:10-11. What does faithfulness to God have to do with how we treat others? Read Malachi 2:14. Why does God call marriage a covenant? Read Malachi 2:15-16. What does it mean to “guard yourselves in your spirit”? Prayer Focus For our worship – That we would honor God with our actions, not just words. For faithfulness – That we would be trustworthy in leadership, relationships, and commitments. For marriages – That God would strengthen and restore marriages in our church. For protection from compromi
God’s Love & Our Worship: Honoring the Faithful One
Read: Malachi 1 Questions How have you personally experienced God’s love, even when you didn’t deserve it? Next Step: Spend time this week thanking God for specific ways He has shown His love to you. What are some ways people (including ourselves) offer God “half-hearted sacrifices” today? Next Step: Identify one area of your life where you have been offering God less than your best and commit to change this week. Why do you think God desires our sincere devotion rather than empty rituals? Next Step: Be intentional this week about worshiping God with sincerity. Before praying, singing, or serving, take a moment to align your heart with God. In what ways do we sometimes treat worship as a burden rather than a joy? Next Step: Reflect on your attitude toward worship and find one way to make it a joy this week (e.g., prepare ahead for Sunday, listen to worship music, or serve in a new way). What would change in your life if you truly viewed your time, talents, and treasures as offerings to God? Next Step: Make a specific plan to use your time, talents, or treasures in a way that honors God this week. How can we, as a church, encourage one another toward wholehearted worship? Next Step: Reach out to one person in your church this week to encourage them in their walk with God. Prayer Focus: Individually: Pray for God to reveal areas where you need to give Him your best, and ask for a heart of joyful worship. Corporately: Pray that our church would not offer God half-hearted worship but would be a people who honor Him with sincerity and passion. Next Steps Reach out to one person in your church this week to encourage them in their walk with God. ...
The Folly of Not Trusting the Lord
Ice Breaker What’s one big decision or moment in your life when you had to rely on someone else’s instructions or guidance? How did it feel to trust them, and did it turn out the way you expected? Big Idea You must trust God even when you don’t want to trust Him. Read: Deuteronomy 1:19-21, 26 Discussion Questions Read 1:26-27: How does fear distort our view of God’s character, and why is this so dangerous? Read 1:28-33: Why is it easier to focus on obstacles than on God’s power? What does this reveal about our faith? Read 1:34-35, 40: How does disobedience show a lack of trust in God, and what are the consequences of disobedience in our lives? Read 1:42-44: Why is presumption (acting without God) so dangerous, and how is it different from genuine faith? Read: 1:30; John 14:1: How does this passage ultimately point us to Christ, and why is He the answer to our failure to trust God? Next Steps Identify one tangible way you can demonstrate trust in God this week by stepping outside your comfort zone. Maybe it’s having a difficult conversation, saying yes to something He’s calling you to, or surrendering control in a specific area of your life. Write it down as a commitment and ask someone in the group to pray for you as you take this step. At the end of the week, reflect on how taking action grew your faith and prepared you to trust Him more in the future. ...
Trust The Lord Week 2
Ice Breaker If you could instantly trust one thing completely, what would it be? Why? Big Idea You must trust God especially when you face challenges. Read: 2 Kings 18:1-6 Discussion Questions What does it mean to trust in God’s character, and how does knowing Him deepen that trust? How do you respond with your faith is challenged by doubt, fear, or opposition? What can we learn from Hezekiah’s prayer in 2 Kings 19:14-19 about how to approach God in times of crisis? How does God’s deliverance in 2 Kings 19:32-37 demonstrate His sovereignty and power? How can this strengthen your faith? What are some practical ways you can demonstrate trust in God daily, especially in difficult situations? Next Steps Identify one practical way to trust God in a current situation and share it with someone who can pray for you and hold you accountable. ...
Trust The Lord
Ice Breaker What’s one thing you find hard to share or let someone else take control of (e.g., driving the car, choosing the restaurant, planning an event)? Why is it hard to let go? Big Idea You must trust God. Read: Proverbs 3:5-6 Discussion Questions What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart? Why do you think God requires complete trust? Why do you think we often rely on our own understanding instead of trusting God? Can you share a time when this happened to you or someone you know? What does “acknowledge Him in all your ways” look like in everyday life? Why do you think there are areas of your life where it’s harder to involve Him? How does the truth that God will make your paths straight encourage you in uncertain times? What do you find most challenging about living out trust and surrender in the Christian life? Next Steps Take time this week to list specific promises of God that remind you why He is trustworthy. ...
Because They Feared God
Read Exodus 1:15-21 Questions Do you find the story of the Hebrew midwives (Ex 1:15-21) inspiring? If so, why? Martin Luther and other reformers contrasted “servile fear” with “filial fear.” What do you remember about this distinction from the message? Why does this matter? Read together Luke 22:39-46. Then read again verse 42. How are Christ’s words in this verse a pattern for believers? Read together Psalm 130. Then read again verses three and four. How does God’s forgiveness enable Christians to have the right kind of fear of Him? Prayer Focus Pray for babies at risk of dying by abortion, that God would spare them. Pray for mothers and fathers considering abortion, that they would turn away from it. Pray that God would show us how we can help those in need. Pray that the Spirit would enable us to live in the fear of the Lord.
Romans: The Struggle is Real
Ice Breaker What’s a product or gadget you once thought would make life easier but ended up being more trouble than it was worth? Big Idea The struggle with sin is undeniable, but you are not without hope. Read: Romans 7:13-25 Discussion Questions Why does Paul emphasize that sin, not the law, is the source of death (v. 13)? What does Paul mean by, “I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate” (v. 15)? Why does Paul say, “Nothing good dwells in me, that is, in my flesh” (v. 18)? What does Paul mean by “Who will deliver me from this body of death?” (v. 24), and how does his answer (v. 25) bring hope? How does this passage prepare us for the hope and freedom described in Romans 8? Next Steps Reflect on a specific struggle with sin and surrender it to God in prayer, trusting in His strength. Memorize Romans 7:25 to remind yourself of the victory found in Christ, and encourage someone this week by sharing how God is working in your life. ...
Romans: What’s Law Got to Do With It?
Ice Breaker What’s the most ridiculous or unexpected rule you’ve ever had to follow? Big Idea God’s law is good. Read: Romans 7:7-12 Discussion Questions How does Paul’s statement, “I would not have known what sin was except through the law” (Romans 7:7), challenge our understanding of sin before we encounter God’s Word? Read Romans 7:8. Why do you think sin takes advantage of the law to provoke more sin? Read Romans 7:9, What does Paul mean by “I died” in this context? How does Paul’s statement that “sin, seizing the opportunity through the commandment, deceived me, and through the commandment killed me” (Romans 7:11) shed light on the deceptive power of sin? In Romans 7:12, Paul says, “So then, the law is holy, and the commandment is holy, righteous, and good.” How can we reconcile the fact that the law reveals sin but is still described as “holy, righteous, and good”? Next Steps Recognize that the law, though good, exposes the depth of your sin. Spend time reflecting on how God’s commands have revealed areas where you have fallen short, whether in thoughts, attitudes, or actions. Repent of these areas, acknowledging your need for God’s forgiveness and grace. ...
Romans: A Tale of Two Masters
Big Idea Every Christian is a slave. Read: Romans 6:15-23 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain. What does Paul mean in Romans 6:15 when he asks, “Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace?” How does Paul use the analogy of slavery in verses 16-18? What does it mean to be a “slave to righteousness”? In verse 21, Paul asks, “What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of?” How does this question help us understand the consequences of sin? Romans 6:23 states, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” How does this verse summarize the message of the passage, and why is it significant? Next Steps This week, spend a few minutes each day reading Romans 6:15-23 and ask God to deepen your understanding of being “alive to God” and “enslaved to righteousness.” Reflect on how you can actively live out this truth in your daily choices. Try sharing one insight or change you’ve experienced with someone who could encourage you in this journey. ...
Romans: United with Christ
Big Idea Every believer is united with Christ for a purpose. Read: Romans 6:5-11 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain. How do secular and biblical perspectives on identity differ? What does it mean to be “united with Christ” as described by Paul in verses five through eleven? On two occasions, Paul said “we know” (vs. 6, 9). He clearly wanted us to not only know about our union with Christ but to embrace the reality of that union. Sometimes we don’t feel as if these things are true, so what role does faith play in our new identity in Christ? ...