Romans: The Scripture Says

Scripture: Romans 4:01-13 Discussion Questions What did Abraham and his legacy mean to the Jewish people and what was Paul’s purpose of bringing him up in this passage? How did Abraham exhibit faith in Genesis 15:4-11? What does Abraham’s sinfulness reveal to us? In verses 5 and 6, what does the phrase “God counts/imputes righteousness” mean? What are the conditions if any of God imputing his righteousness? Scripture explains that righteousness is a gift for all people....

August 11, 2024

Romans: The Foolishness of Boasting

Scripture: Romans 3:27-31 Discussion Questions In what ways do you see self-righteousness manifest in your life? How do you battle your self-righteous tendencies? Why is it important to recognize that faith itself is not what saves us but rather the work of Jesus Christ? How does Romans 3:29-30 emphasize the unity of Jews and Gentiles in terms of faith? What implications does this have for how we view others in our faith community and beyond?...

August 4, 2024

Serve: Fit for Service

Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24 Small Group Discussion This week concluded this mini-series, which was an extension of the original “Serve the Lord” series from January of this year. What will you stick with you from these messages on Christian service? What does Paul mean when he says that the Gentiles walk in the “futility of their minds” (vs. 17)? Why are their minds this way? In verse 19, Paul notes that the Gentiles “have become callous,” giving themselves up to sin....

July 28, 2024

Serve: Engage Your Mind

Scripture: Psalm 32 Small Group Discussion What stood out to you from the sermon this week? This week’s message focused on a psalm. Is there a psalm you have found to be particularly meaningful in your walk with the Lord? Many people today fail to acknowledge with their minds what is true. What are some examples of this? Reread Psalm 32:8-9. What is the contrast between humans and animals in these verses?...

July 14, 2024

The Gift of Others in the Word

Scripture: [Ephesians 4:1-16] Small Group Discussion What stood out to you in this week’s message? What was good, helpful, convicting, troubling, or led to more questions for you? Why is it so important for each believer to know the Word? Why do you think it is hard for many professing believers to be faithfully involved in a church or place themselves in a position to hear the Word taught? From the message what was the difference between Apostles and Prophets and Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers?...

July 14, 2024

Serve the Lord: Equipped with the Word

Called through the Word to the Word Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16 Questions What stood out to you in this week’s message? What was good, helpful, convicting, troubling, or led to more questions for you? Why is the Word of God so important? Why do you think it can be so difficult for believers to be unified? What is the attitude Paul says the church is to have towards one another? Paul says we are to speak the truth in love....

July 7, 2024

The Unavoidable Court Date

Big Idea Every person deserves to be judged by God. Read: Romans 2:1-4 Discussion Questions How does Romans 2:1-4 address the issue of self-righteous judgment? What role does God’s kindness play in His judgment according to Romans 2:4? How does Paul address moralists in Romans 2:1-3, and what broader message does he convey about sin and judgment through this approach? What warning does the sermon give about presuming upon God’s mercy, and what should be our correct response to God’s patience and kindness?...

May 26, 2024

When God gives up

Big Idea Those who oppose God invite destruction. Read: Romans 1:19-32 Discussion Questions Romans 1:24-25 explains that God turns people over to their selfish desires due to their rejection of Him. How do these selfish desires manifest in today’s society, and what are some examples of how they lead to personal and societal destruction? In Romans 1:26-27, Paul describes God turning people over to unnatural activities due to their opposition to Him....

May 19, 2024

The Wrath of God pt. 2

Big Idea God’s wrath cannot be ignored. Read: Romans 1:18 Discussion Questions Reflecting on the concept of God’s holiness, why do you think it’s challenging for humans to fully grasp the idea that God is both transcendent and morally pure? How does this understanding impact our view of sin and our relationship with God? Ungodliness leads to unrighteousness. How do you see this progression playing out in your own life or in the world around you?...

May 12, 2024

The Wrath of God

Big Idea God’s wrath cannot be ignored. Read: Romans 1:18 Discussion Questions In what ways do we see God’s wrath being revealed in the world today, and how does this align with the depiction of God’s wrath in Romans 1:18? Romans 1:18 states that God’s wrath comes from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth. How can we understand and explain the justification of God’s wrath in a contemporary context where the idea of divine wrath might be challenging or misunderstood?...

May 10, 2024