Romans: The Purpose of Grace

Big Idea Christians do not take advantage of God’s grace; we are transformed by God’s grace. Read: Romans 6:1-4 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eyeopening, or troubling? Explain. How would you explain the difference between being transformed by God’s grace and taking advantage of it? Read Romans 6:1-2. Why does Paul ask, “Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?” How does this challenge any misconceptions about grace? According to Romans 6:3-4, how does being united with Christ in His death and resurrection empower us to live a new life? What does it mean to “walk in newness of life” as stated in verse 4? How does grace make this possible? Next Steps Consider how your small group can support each other to embrace the transformative power of grace and live in righteousness. Discuss this as you conclude your group time this week. ...

October 13, 2024

Romans: Two Men, Two Outcomes, One Hope

Big Idea Jesus restores what Adam destroyed. Read: Romans 5:15-21 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain. What is the main contrast between Adam’s trespass and Christ’s gift in Romans 5:15? What does Paul mean when he says that “grace reigns through righteousness” in Romans 5:21? How does understanding Adam as a “type” of Christ help us grasp the significance of Christ’s work (Romans 5:14, 18-19)? Next Steps Let grace, not guilt or fear, reign in your life. Consider how you can allow God’s grace to shape your attitudes, decisions, and relationships. When faced with temptation or difficulty, remind yourself that you are no longer under the reign of sin and death, but under the reign of grace. Actively seek to reflect Christ’s righteousness in your daily life, extending grace to others as you have received it from God. ...

October 6, 2024

Romans: God’s Justifying Work

Big Idea The work of God changes the focus and attitude of His people. Read: Romans 5:1-11 Discussion Questions How does understanding our justification by faith change our perspective on difficult circumstances? What role does “peace with God” play in changing our attitude toward life’s challenges? How can the hope of sharing in God’s glory influence our focus in daily life? In what ways does God’s love, demonstrated through Christ’s sacrifice, transform our attitudes toward ourselves and others? Why would God allow us to suffer even while actively working in our lives? Next Steps When you encounter difficult circumstances, practice “preaching the gospel to yourself.” This involves intentionally recalling God’s promises, Christ’s sacrifice, and the hope of eternal glory. Write down key verses, like Romans 5:1-5, and keep them handy for quick reference throughout the day. By doing this, you will train your mind to focus on God’s truth rather than on the challenges, which will transform your attitude and response to trials. When we come back together in October we can share our scripture reference sheets. ...

August 25, 2024

Romans: Faith in God’s Promise

Big Idea You can count on God’s promises! Read: Romans 4:13-25 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. What does Paul mean when he says that Abraham’s promise did not come through the law but through the righteousness of faith (Romans 4:13)? How does Paul describe Abraham’s faith in verses 19-21, and what can we learn from it about trusting God’s promises? ...

August 18, 2024

Romans: The Scripture Says

Scripture: Romans 4:01-13 Discussion Questions What did Abraham and his legacy mean to the Jewish people and what was Paul’s purpose of bringing him up in this passage? How did Abraham exhibit faith in Genesis 15:4-11? What does Abraham’s sinfulness reveal to us? In verses 5 and 6, what does the phrase “God counts/imputes righteousness” mean? What are the conditions if any of God imputing his righteousness? Scripture explains that righteousness is a gift for all people. How does this help us understand God’s heart for the lost? Next Steps Continue working on the prayer challenge! We are roughly 3 hours behind this week, but there’s still time to catch up! We have a weekly goal of ~9 hours. ...

August 11, 2024

Romans: The Foolishness of Boasting

Scripture: Romans 3:27-31 Discussion Questions In what ways do you see self-righteousness manifest in your life? How do you battle your self-righteous tendencies? Why is it important to recognize that faith itself is not what saves us but rather the work of Jesus Christ? How does Romans 3:29-30 emphasize the unity of Jews and Gentiles in terms of faith? What implications does this have for how we view others in our faith community and beyond? In Romans 3:31, Paul states, “Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.” How can we reconcile the role of the law with the principle of justification by faith? How should our understanding of the law change in light of being justified by faith? Next Steps It’s important that we continually recognize the grace and mercy God has shown us. Instead of buying into the false notion that we are basically good people, consider the truth that God has saved you through faith in the person and work of His Son and focus on putting aside all boasting so that you may only exalt God in and through your life. ...

August 4, 2024

Serve: Fit for Service

Scripture: Ephesians 4:17-24 Small Group Discussion This week concluded this mini-series, which was an extension of the original “Serve the Lord” series from January of this year. What will you stick with you from these messages on Christian service? What does Paul mean when he says that the Gentiles walk in the “futility of their minds” (vs. 17)? Why are their minds this way? In verse 19, Paul notes that the Gentiles “have become callous,” giving themselves up to sin. What can we do to seek not to be similarly callous? In verse 23, Paul directs Christians to “be renewed in the spirit of your minds.” Read also Rom 12:1-2. What does it mean to be “renewed” this way? How do we pursue it? Next Steps: Consider ways you can enrich your personal and corporate study of the Word of God. ...

July 28, 2024

Serve: Engage Your Mind

Scripture: Psalm 32 Small Group Discussion What stood out to you from the sermon this week? This week’s message focused on a psalm. Is there a psalm you have found to be particularly meaningful in your walk with the Lord? Many people today fail to acknowledge with their minds what is true. What are some examples of this? Reread Psalm 32:8-9. What is the contrast between humans and animals in these verses? Why is this significant? How might a failure to engage your mind affect your service to God? Next Steps: Throughout the week, reflect on the many blessings which come from the gift God has given humankind of minds to reason and understand. ...

July 14, 2024

The Gift of Others in the Word

Scripture: [Ephesians 4:1-16] Small Group Discussion What stood out to you in this week’s message? What was good, helpful, convicting, troubling, or led to more questions for you? Why is it so important for each believer to know the Word? Why do you think it is hard for many professing believers to be faithfully involved in a church or place themselves in a position to hear the Word taught? From the message what was the difference between Apostles and Prophets and Evangelists, Shepherds and Teachers? We are called to grow in our faith and knowledge so that we are not carried away by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Describe some of the false doctrines, human cunning, craftiness, and deceitful schemes you see in the world and even churches today. Next Steps: Invite and encourage others at CrossPointe who don’t already attend an Adult Bible Education class to attend one with you or to come to Wednesday night Bible Study. ...

July 14, 2024

Serve the Lord: Equipped with the Word

Called through the Word to the Word Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16 Questions What stood out to you in this week’s message? What was good, helpful, convicting, troubling, or led to more questions for you? Why is the Word of God so important? Why do you think it can be so difficult for believers to be unified? What is the attitude Paul says the church is to have towards one another? Paul says we are to speak the truth in love. How is this often handled incorrectly and share an example (real or fictional) or how this should look in the church. Next Steps: How much time do you spend in the Word? If you think you should be spending more time studying the Word make a plan this week to follow through on it and possibly use your group to help keep you on track. ...

July 7, 2024