Romans #1: The Gospel of God

Big Idea God’s purpose and plan are inevitable. Read: Romans 1:1 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. Paul called himself a slave, an apostle, and one who was set apart for the gospel of God. Which of these descriptions resonates most with you? Explain your answer. Why don’t genuine apostles still exist? Read 1:1-7 and 16:25-27. What similarities exist in those two passages? What themes do these verses reveal? Name one or two things you hope to learn from our study in Romans. Next Steps Romans is one of the most important books in the Bible, and it is essential reading for every believer. This week, take inventory of your life and how willing you are to be used for God’s purpose and plan. ...

April 7, 2024


Main Idea: The Foolishness of Disregarding God Small Group Questions Judges Disregarding God brings disastrous consequences Text: Judges 2:1-15 Discussion Questions What stood out to you, made you think, or was something that you liked, or remember from the sermon? Or What are you excited about, if anything, in studying the book of Judges? How did the Israelites disregard God? With consideration to question 2, how does it look for “modern day” Christians to disregard God in the same way? Pastor Matt quoted his mother, “If you play with the pigs you’ll eventually end up smelling like them” what did she mean and how does or can that relate to us today and to this passage? What were the three challenges that were given at the close of the message and how can we practically apply them to our lives today? Next Steps: Examine question number 5 and search your life this week and ask the Holy Spirit to point out in your personal life where you need to apply this week’s message. Where are you disregarding God in your life and how can and will you change it? ...

February 25, 2024

Shrewd Stewardship

Big Idea Money holds no virtuous value, it simply is a means to an end. Money should not control our hearts and lives but rather God should. Money then is a temporary gift that God gives us to serve him to the absolute fullest measure we can in this life. We should steward our resources and money and use them to serve others, the church, and the mission of the church is to further the kingdom of God. ...

February 18, 2024

Guard the Good Deposit

Read 2 Tim 1:8-14 Questions Who has God used to pass the good deposit on to you? How have they invested in you? Read Paul’s “trustworthy sayings”: 1 Timothy 1:15, 3:1, 4:8-9; 2 Timothy 2:11-13. What does his emphasis on sayings like these tell us about what it means to follow God? In 1 Timothy 4:16, Paul tells Timothy, “Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching.” Read this in context (start in verse 6). What practical tips does Paul give Timothy for how to keep a watch on himself and the teaching? How can you build these into your life? What are possible stumbling blocks that might prevent you from effectively passing on the good deposit to others? Next Steps Reach out to someone who has discipled you in the faith. Thank him or her, for sharing specific ways in which God has used this person in your life. Prayer Focus If you’re already dicipleing others in the faith, ask God for continued wisdom so that your efforts will be even more effective. If you can’t think of anyone you’re mentoring, pray that God would show you people in your sphere of influence who would benefit from this. And pray that He would lead you as you begin to lead these individuals.

February 11, 2024

Take Care How You Build & Life of a Steward

Take Care How You Build Read: 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 Malachi 1 Discussion Questions Where in this passage could you point to correct someone who suggests we are saved by works? What are some other passages of Scripture which more explicitly correct this thinking? How should knowing that God will reward believers’ service affect how we live? Life of a Steward Big Idea A godly steward seeks to bring honor to God with everything ...

February 4, 2024

Gifted to serve

Big Idea God gives people gifts with which they can serve Him. Read: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 This week’s discussion centers around spiritual gifts and using those gifts. To help you identify the gifts you’ve been given if you don’t already know what yours are, you can take the assessment here. Open the resource guide in another tab as you watch the video. If you’d like to go even further, you can also take the spiritual pathways test ...

January 21, 2024

Attitude Affects Everything

Big Idea A godly servant must maintain the right attitude. Read: Luke 17:7-10 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain. Discuss instances in your life where maintaining the right attitude as a servant was challenging. How did you handle those situations? How can the principle of being a faithful and humble servant impact our relationships with others? Reflect on the concept of service without expecting recognition or reward. How can this mindset contribute to a godly attitude? How can we encourage one another in our journey to maintain the right attitude as godly servants? Next Steps This week, take the time to think about what attitude you most consistently display in serving the Lord. ...

January 14, 2024

Serve The Lord: Week 1

Big Idea The Domino Effect Those whom God has saved must serve Him. Read: Joshua 24:14-15 Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain. Read verses 1-13. What are some things that you find significant in those verses? Discuss what you’ve found and why those insights are important. Joshua commanded the people to serve the Lord—are we under the same command? Why or why not? Joshua made a choice for himself and his family and challenged Israel to do the same. If you choose not to serve the Lord, what does your choice reveal about your heart and life? Read Luke 9:23. Is there a difference between serving and following Jesus? What does He say about serving Him on our terms? Next Steps Serve the Lord is the theme for 2024 at CrossPointe Church. Take inventory this week of your service to the Lord through the church. ...

January 7, 2024

Change of Plans

Big Idea Don’t be arrogant, Consider and Submit to God Read: James 4:13-17 Bible app link Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain. Why do you think people find it difficult to consider and include God in their daily plans? What helpful habits do you think could help us remember and recognize God’s sovereignty over our lives? What does the “sin of omission” mean and what does it practically look like? ...

November 12, 2023

Galatians 4

Read Galatians 4:4-7 Questions Paul wrote that Jesus was born when the fullness of time had come. Discuss the implications of that statement. What does this teach us about God? Paul noted that Jesus was born “to redeem those who were under the law.” What does this mean for those who are saved? According to the text, what has God done for those He has redeemed? How should this affect our lives? ...

November 10, 2023