He Gives More Grace
Big Idea God’s grace changes God’s people. Read: James 4:6-12 Bible app link Discussion Questions What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eyeopening, or troubling? Explain. James issued eleven commands in this section. Which of these commands do you struggle with the most? Read verse seven. How do the actions of submitting to God and resisting the devil relate to one another, and what are some ways you can resist the devil? Read verse nine. Why is genuine repentance essential in our relationship with God? How can we cultivate a repentant heart? In verse twelve, James warns against judging others. What do you think he means by this? How can we be discerning but not go over the line in our attitude and interactions with others? Next Steps How does God’s grace impact your life every day? Meditate on verses 7-10 this week and evaluate how you respond to the grace you’ve received. And be sure to vote on Tuesday! ...