Big Idea

The wisdom that guides your life cannot be hidden.

Read: James 3:1-12

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Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. Provide examples of worldly and godly wisdom. How do we often confuse these two and how often have you consulted worldly wisdom over the last month?
  3. Not all sources of wisdom are equally valid, so how do you determine what wisdom to follow?
  4. Most people search for wisdom in one of the following places: Senses-What I feel; Self-What I think; Society-What others think; or Scripture-What God thinks. Which of these sources do you depend on the most? If you said something other than Scripture, then how is it worldly in the way that James describes?
  5. Earthly wisdom is sensual and demonic. What do these words mean and how does this help us recognize worldly wisdom?
  6. Read verses 3:17-18. James lists eight traits of heavenly wisdom. Identify and define them together as a group.

Next Steps

Godly wisdom is vital for believers to follow. Read Psalm 1:1-6 this week to discover where you can find godly wisdom. Also, read 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 and consider how the cross of Christ is the apex of wisdom.

Prayer Focus

October is Mission Emphasis month at CrossPointe. You’ve met the missionaries, now please pray about how you can give to support local and global missions at CrossPointe and be sure to commit yourself to radical generosity.