Big Idea
Unchecked desires produce ungodly fruit.
Read: James 4:1-5
Discussion Questions
- What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
- James wanted his readers to understand that selfishness—which is a result of adopting worldly wisdom—will always destroy peace. Name some ways this is true in different aspects of life.
- One of the issues that James addresses in this text is that we are prone to covet or envy. What is envy and how is this dangerous attitude expressed in your life and in our culture?
- Thinking about the sermon last week and the text we’re studying this week, discuss some practical ways you can address selfishness and envy in your life.
- What does it mean to be a friend of the world? Why is it not possible to be friends with the world and faithful to God?
- How can the fact that God “years jealously” over you help you overcome the serious issues that James addresses in this text?
Next Steps
We all struggle with selfishness and conflict. This week read through Galatians 5:22-26 and think about how the Fruit of the Spirit helps us overcome the sins that cause conflict and division.
Prayer Focus
October is Mission Emphasis month at CrossPointe. You’ve met the missionaries, now please pray about how you can give to support local and global missions at CrossPointe and be sure to commit yourself to radical generosity.