Ice Breaker

What’s one skill or hobby you’ve always wanted to learn, but haven’t had the chance to yet?

Big Idea

Jesus prays for the disciples because the Father delights to help His children.

Read: John 17:6-19

Open Bible app

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the most impactful thing from the text and the sermon this week?
  2. What did Jesus pray for his disciples in this passage? Why do you think these requests are significant?
    • How are we sanctified?
  3. Jesus prayed openly in front of His disciples so that they could hear what He was requesting for them from the Father. What are some benefits of hearing someone carry your burdens to Father in prayer?
  4. Jesus prays for his disciples’ joy. How can our relationship with God and our faith in Jesus bring us joy, even in difficult circumstances?
  5. Jesus was preparing His disciples for His departure and the mission they would carry out. What are some truths that we can apply concerning the relationship between prayer and any God-honoring endeavor?

Next Steps

Ask a brother or sister you encounter this week from CrossPointe how you can pray for them and then stop what you’re doing and openly ask God to meet their need at that moment. Praying for someone when they can hear it is a way to foster the kind of relational intimacy God desires among His people in the church.

Prayer Focus

Easter is next week and every member of CrossPointe should not come alone! Use one of our Invite Cards and ask someone to be your guest—then pray they will attend with you this Sunday.