Big Idea

People need to hear about the promise of forgiveness through faith in the living Savior.

Read: John 20:19-23

Bible app link

Discussion Questions

  1. What was the most impactful thing from the text and the sermon this week?
  2. John wrote that the disciples were locked in a room “for fear of the Jews” why were they afraid and what significance did Jesus’ message of peace have for them?
  3. Jesus sent His disciples to continue the mission He was given by the Father and promised to give them the Holy Spirit. In what ways does the Holy Spirit make us effective in continuing the mission of Christ?
  4. In what ways do we struggle to accept the promise of forgiveness through faith in Jesus today, and what steps can we take to overcome those struggles?
  5. How can we share the promise of forgiveness with others in our communities, especially those who may be skeptical or resistant to the idea?

Next Steps

In your devotional time this week, consider the depth of forgiveness you’ve received through faith in Christ. One way to accomplish this is to write a list of your sins each day in your journal. Then, after writing down those sins, write the word FORGIVEN in bold letters over that list.

Prayer Focus

Next Sunday is the commitment Sunday for One Vision. If you did not make a commitment last year, you are new to CrossPointe, or your situation has changed and you’re able to give more than you originally committed, please come prepared on Sunday to give an initial gift and turn in your two-year commitment. Pray for God to abundantly supply His church to meet this challenge.