Big Idea

Evil rises in the world around us, but God is always going before us.

Read: Esther 3:1-15

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Discussion Questions

  1. What was the most impactful thing from the text and the sermon this week?
  2. Has there ever been a situation in your life when you’ve been passed over and someone less deserving was promoted? How did you handle the disappointment? What are some dangers you must be aware of that can poison your heart in those situations?
  3. The king’s servants said Mordecai transgressed the king’s command when he refused to bow to Haman. Do you believe Mordecai was right or wrong in refusing to bow? Explain your answer from Scripture.
  4. Read verses 7-11. What does the text reveal about King Ahasuerus? What should we learn and apply from his response?

How does this inform your decision making of what of leaders you look for or the kind of leader you yourself want to be?

  1. The final verse of chapter three reveals the confusion in Susa as word of the upcoming genocide spread. What does this response reveal in light of chapters 2 and 3?

Next Steps

Do you struggle to be confident and joyful as evil rises around you? If so, take time this week to evaluate where you’ve placed your trust. Read Psalm 73 every day this week as a powerful reminder of what is coming to those who are evil and for those who are redeemed by grace through faith in Christ.

Prayer Focus

Ask God to help you achieve or maintain a proper perspective and express gratitude for the truth that God is constantly going before you.