Ice Breaker

If Rebecca was a dessert, what would she be and why?

Main Idea:

We must be active listeners to contend against apostasy

Jude 11–16

Bible app link

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you, made you think, or was something that you like, or remember from the sermon?

  2. What are some of the hidden reefs (hidden dangers) being preached in churches and religions today? Why do you think people don’t see them?

  3. What are some waterless clouds (empty promises) you have heard being preached and taught?

  4. What are some verses or passages in the Bible that talk about speech and the tongue?

  5. Why is it important to stop listening to apostates?

Next Steps:

If you don’t regularly read your Bible make it a priority to start reading. If you do read - take time to study the passage you are reading - perhaps read less to give yourself time to answer questions about the passage and get a better understanding of everything you are reading. We must know the Word to recognize false teaching and refute it.

Prayer Focus:

Ask God for wisdom and understanding as you read his Word. As you read books or blogs from others or listen to podcasts pray that God would help you to have discernment and to be able to identify error.

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