Big Idea

Those who know Jesus are united by truth.


2 John 1-3

Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. John referred to himself as the elder, most likely referring to his status as an older man or mature believer and not to the office of elder. Name some reasons you think that is significant and what can we learn from that designation?
  3. Most of us have a bias toward being either loving or truthful. Which characterizes you? How do you become more balanced?
  4. Believers are to be united by truth, but we sometimes have different beliefs. How do we stay united within the church when we disagree?
  5. John said, “the truth will be with us forever.” Name some ways that statement encourages you or gives you hope.

Next Steps

Read 2 John every day this week and write down what you observe. Be prepared to discuss your observations in small group next week.

Prayer Focus

Pray that the elders and teachers at CrossPointe will always proclaim the truth without compromise, regardless of the cost. Pray also that the people of CrossPointe will never be deceived and turn from the truth, but that the truth will govern our lives.