Big Idea

Walking In Truth God’s people must walk in truth.


2 John 4-6

Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. Last week you were supposed to read 2 John and write out what you observed from the text. Discuss what you saw in your study of this short letter.
  3. Have you ever learned a valuable lesson because you weren’t walking in truth? If you’re comfortable, share with your group what happened and what you learned.
  4. John said we are to love one another, what other “___ one another” commands are given throughout scripture?
  5. Why do you think John often repeats the command of our Lord to love one another?

Next Steps

Do a personal Bible study this week and look up all the instances where the apostle John wrote that we are to love one another. Use a concordance or an online Bible study tool such as Logos free edition ( to help you find what you need.

Prayer Focus

Is there a believer at CrossPointe you find difficult to love? Spend time this week praying for that person, specifically asking God to enable you to love them.