Big Idea

Beware of those who lie about Jesus.


2 John 7-13

Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon did you find to be the most helpful, eye-opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. Last week you were supposed to do a personal Bible study and look up all the instances where the apostle John wrote that we are to love one another. Discuss what you found.
  3. John issued three commands in this text, the first is “watch yourselves” (v.8). How do you watch yourselves to prevent falling prey to false teachers?
  4. Why is going beyond the Word of God so dangerous? Name some of the ways this strategy has been used to lead people astray.
  5. What is significant about verse twelve? Discuss how we should apply what John said to those believers to our walk with Christ?

Next Steps

Next week we will begin to walk through the book of James. Please read the book of James every day this week (5 chapters will take about 15-20 minutes) and prepare for this exciting study.

Prayer Focus

There are many people who are attending CrossPointe but have not yet joined. Pray that God will provide direction so they can become rightly connected to a local church so that their joy may be complete.