Big Idea

God’s wrath cannot be ignored.


Romans 1:18

Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do we see God’s wrath being revealed in the world today, and how does this align with the depiction of God’s wrath in Romans 1:18?
  2. Romans 1:18 states that God’s wrath comes from heaven against all godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth. How can we understand and explain the justification of God’s wrath in a contemporary context where the idea of divine wrath might be challenging or misunderstood?
  3. How does Paul establish that God’s wrath is not arbitrary but is directed specifically at human actions that involve suppressing the truth? Discuss examples of how truth is suppressed in society today and relate this to the concept of divine retribution.
  4. Considering the nature of God’s wrath as revealed, justified, and rightly directed, how should this influence the behavior and beliefs of Christians today? How can believers reconcile the concept of a loving God with the reality of God’s wrath?

Next Steps

How often do you think of God as a wrathful God? This week, consider the implications of God’s wrath and thank Him that He has forgiven you and adopted you into His family.

Prayer Focus

VBS is four weeks away! Over the next few weeks, we’ll pray for specific aspects of VBS. This week, pray for our VBS director, Bryn Miller, as she finalizes plans for the Great Jungle Journey.