Big Idea
God’s wrath cannot be ignored.
Discussion Questions
- Reflecting on the concept of God’s holiness, why do you think it’s challenging for humans to fully grasp the idea that God is both transcendent and morally pure? How does this understanding impact our view of sin and our relationship with God?
- Ungodliness leads to unrighteousness. How do you see this progression playing out in your own life or in the world around you? What are some practical ways to guard against this downward spiral?
- The sermon emphasizes that God’s wrath is rightly directed toward those who actively oppose Him and suppress the truth. How does this understanding of God’s wrath impact our perception of His mercy and patience? How can we reconcile God’s wrath and His love?
Next Steps
Do you only talk about God’s love when trying to evangelize others? If so, think about how to effectively communicate God’s wrath and love to others this week.
Prayer Focus
VBS is three weeks away! Over the next few weeks, we’ll pray for specific aspects of VBS. This week, pray for our group guides as they lead children through the Great Jungle Journey.