Called through the Word to the Word


Ephesians 4:1-16


  1. What stood out to you in this week’s message? What was good, helpful, convicting, troubling, or led to more questions for you?
  2. Why is the Word of God so important?
  3. Why do you think it can be so difficult for believers to be unified?
  4. What is the attitude Paul says the church is to have towards one another?
  5. Paul says we are to speak the truth in love. How is this often handled incorrectly and share an example (real or fictional) or how this should look in the church.

Next Steps:

How much time do you spend in the Word? If you think you should be spending more time studying the Word make a plan this week to follow through on it and possibly use your group to help keep you on track.

Prayer Focus:

Pray that as each of you spend time in the Word this week the Holy Spirit will use it in your life to better Serve the Lord.