
Romans 3:27-31

Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do you see self-righteousness manifest in your life? How do you battle your self-righteous tendencies?
  2. Why is it important to recognize that faith itself is not what saves us but rather the work of Jesus Christ?
  3. How does Romans 3:29-30 emphasize the unity of Jews and Gentiles in terms of faith? What implications does this have for how we view others in our faith community and beyond?
  4. In Romans 3:31, Paul states, “Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law.” How can we reconcile the role of the law with the principle of justification by faith? How should our understanding of the law change in light of being justified by faith?

Next Steps

It’s important that we continually recognize the grace and mercy God has shown us. Instead of buying into the false notion that we are basically good people, consider the truth that God has saved you through faith in the person and work of His Son and focus on putting aside all boasting so that you may only exalt God in and through your life.

What reading goals do we want to set?

Prayer Focus

School is starting soon. Pray for all the students and teachers at CrossPointe. Ask God to protect them and to use them to point lost people to Christ.