Big Idea

The work of God changes the focus and attitude of His people.


Romans 5:1-11

Discussion Questions

  1. How does understanding our justification by faith change our perspective on difficult circumstances?
  2. What role does “peace with God” play in changing our attitude toward life’s challenges?
  3. How can the hope of sharing in God’s glory influence our focus in daily life?
  4. In what ways does God’s love, demonstrated through Christ’s sacrifice, transform our attitudes toward ourselves and others?
  5. Why would God allow us to suffer even while actively working in our lives?

Next Steps

When you encounter difficult circumstances, practice “preaching the gospel to yourself.” This involves intentionally recalling God’s promises, Christ’s sacrifice, and the hope of eternal glory. Write down key verses, like Romans 5:1-5, and keep them handy for quick reference throughout the day. By doing this, you will train your mind to focus on God’s truth rather than on the challenges, which will transform your attitude and response to trials. When we come back together in October we can share our scripture reference sheets.

Prayer Focus

Remember, the work of God in your life is ongoing, and He is continually shaping you into the image of Christ. As you take these next steps, pray that God will use them to deepen your faith, transform your focus, and renew your attitude, enabling you to live each day for His glory