Big Idea

A godly servant must maintain the right attitude. Read: Luke 17:7-10

Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. Discuss instances in your life where maintaining the right attitude as a servant was challenging. How did you handle those situations?
  3. How can the principle of being a faithful and humble servant impact our relationships with others?
  4. Reflect on the concept of service without expecting recognition or reward. How can this mindset contribute to a godly attitude?
  5. How can we encourage one another in our journey to maintain the right attitude as godly servants?

Next Steps

This week, take the time to think about what attitude you most consistently display in serving the Lord.

Prayer Focus

As we enter a new year, please pray that the church’s needs will be met by the people God has placed in the church. Also, pray for those currently serving to make CrossPointe effective in leading people to connect and commit to Jesus.