Big Idea

God gives people gifts with which they can serve Him.


1 Corinthians 12:4-11

This week’s discussion centers around spiritual gifts and using those gifts. To help you identify the gifts you’ve been given if you don’t already know what yours are, you can take the assessment here. Open the resource guide in another tab as you watch the video. If you’d like to go even further, you can also take the spiritual pathways test

Discussion Questions

  1. What insight, principle, or observation from this week’s sermon was the most helpful, eye- opening, or troubling? Explain.
  2. Have you ever been hindered from serving because you did not think you had anything to offer? Did you overcome that belief? If so, what helped you gain the confidence to serve?
  3. How are spiritual gifts different from talents or skills you may already possess?
  4. How does exercising spiritual gifts promote unity in the church?
  5. What spiritual gift(s) have you been given? How do you know what gift(s) you possess?

Next Steps

If you don’t already know, try to determine your spiritual gift(s) this week. Then, examine how you use your gift(s) at CrossPointe.

Prayer Focus

January 21st is Sanctity of Life Sunday. Please pray for God to change hearts and minds about abortion and pray for the elimination of every elective abortion in our country.