Big Idea

Money holds no virtuous value, it simply is a means to an end. Money should not control our hearts and lives but rather God should. Money then is a temporary gift that God gives us to serve him to the absolute fullest measure we can in this life. We should steward our resources and money and use them to serve others, the church, and the mission of the church is to further the kingdom of God.


Luke 16:1-16

Discussion Questions

  1. The parable that Jesus gives is really a shocking parable, because Jesus seems to praise a dishonest man. But it is not the dishonesty that Jesus praises him but rather his shrewdness in dealing with temporal money. Why do you think we as Christians struggle to have the same attitude toward eternal “return on investment”?
  2. Shrewd by definition is sharp powers of judgment or wisdom in circumstance. What does a shrewd Christian do with his money? Is giving only 10% really a shrewd way to give our money to the church?
  3. What are some ways we can take our money and build relationships with unbelievers, so they might hear the Word of God and the gospel? Are there current things that we could do right now in our community to strengthen those relationships no matter what the cost?
  4. Read Acts 5:1-11 Dishonesty in giving is a dangerous heart attitude before an all knowing God, how do we develop faithful giving practices that would please God?
  5. Being a slave carries such a bad stigma in US culture, but the people in Jesus’s day would have understood the significance of the defining principle Jesus gave. Talk about the dangers of being a slave to money. In the quietness of your own heart, do you think your giving habits show a love for Christ and his church?

Prayer Focus

Pray that God will give us a renewed focus with the money that he gives us. Pray God will take our money and use it to win souls into the kingdom of God, train teachers and preachers, and equip missionaries to spread the truth of God and disciple believers.

Next Steps

Read Psalm 37 and Revelation 21. Ask yourself which category are you in? The one that is faithful to God and are blessed and rewarded or those who are not and are punished and destroyed? Chose to use your money to serve God and advance the kingdom. Be faithful sons of light with all that is entrusted to you.