Main Idea:

The Foolishness of Disregarding God Small Group Questions Judges Disregarding God brings disastrous consequences


Judges 2:1-15

Discussion Questions

  1. What stood out to you, made you think, or was something that you liked, or remember from the sermon? Or What are you excited about, if anything, in studying the book of Judges?
  2. How did the Israelites disregard God?
  3. With consideration to question 2, how does it look for “modern day” Christians to disregard God in the same way?
  4. Pastor Matt quoted his mother, “If you play with the pigs you’ll eventually end up smelling like them” what did she mean and how does or can that relate to us today and to this passage?
  5. What were the three challenges that were given at the close of the message and how can we practically apply them to our lives today?

Next Steps:

Examine question number 5 and search your life this week and ask the Holy Spirit to point out in your personal life where you need to apply this week’s message. Where are you disregarding God in your life and how can and will you change it?

Prayer Focus:

Pray for the Mead family as they continue to spread the gospel in Senegal and the surrounding areas that listen to their youtube and facebook channels.