Ice Breaker
What’s one thing you find hard to share or let someone else take control of (e.g., driving the car, choosing the restaurant, planning an event)? Why is it hard to let go?
Big Idea
You must trust God.
Discussion Questions
- What does it mean to trust in the Lord with all your heart? Why do you think God requires complete trust?
- Why do you think we often rely on our own understanding instead of trusting God? Can you share a time when this happened to you or someone you know?
- What does “acknowledge Him in all your ways” look like in everyday life? Why do you think there are areas of your life where it’s harder to involve Him?
- How does the truth that God will make your paths straight encourage you in uncertain times?
- What do you find most challenging about living out trust and surrender in the Christian life?
Next Steps
Take time this week to list specific promises of God that remind you why He is trustworthy.
Prayer Focus
Practice surrender by praying, “Lord, Your will be done,” over a specific situation where you are seeking clarity.