
Malachi 1


  1. How have you personally experienced God’s love, even when you didn’t deserve it? Next Step: Spend time this week thanking God for specific ways He has shown His love to you.
  2. What are some ways people (including ourselves) offer God “half-hearted sacrifices” today? Next Step: Identify one area of your life where you have been offering God less than your best and commit to change this week.
  3. Why do you think God desires our sincere devotion rather than empty rituals? Next Step: Be intentional this week about worshiping God with sincerity. Before praying, singing, or serving, take a moment to align your heart with God.
  4. In what ways do we sometimes treat worship as a burden rather than a joy? Next Step: Reflect on your attitude toward worship and find one way to make it a joy this week (e.g., prepare ahead for Sunday, listen to worship music, or serve in a new way).
  5. What would change in your life if you truly viewed your time, talents, and treasures as offerings to God? Next Step: Make a specific plan to use your time, talents, or treasures in a way that honors God this week.
  6. How can we, as a church, encourage one another toward wholehearted worship? Next Step: Reach out to one person in your church this week to encourage them in their walk with God.

Prayer Focus:

  • Individually: Pray for God to reveal areas where you need to give Him your best, and ask for a heart of joyful worship.
  • Corporately: Pray that our church would not offer God half-hearted worship but would be a people who honor Him with sincerity and passion.

Next Steps

Reach out to one person in your church this week to encourage them in their walk with God.