In 2:17, we read that God is wearied by the people’s words. What does this reveal to us
about God?
What are ways that we, too, may weary Him with what we say or do?
In 3:3, we read of Messiah purifying the sons of Levi—that is, the priests. However, in the
New Testament we read that all believers are part of the priesthood (1 Pet 2:4-5, 9-10). We,
too, should therefore expect to be purified—have our sins removed. This will be completed
when Christ returns, but God is also purifying us now. How have you experienced this in
your life? Is it painless? How can we cultivate gratefulness for this process?
Read Mal 3:6. Why is it good news that God does not change?
Why was it such a big deal that the people were cutting corners on their tithe? See 3:10-12.