
Malachi 3:13 – 4:6


  1. Read Psalm 73:1-5. Can you relate to the psalmist? Do you envy prosperity of those who don’t follow God?
  2. How does the psalmist in Psalm 73 resolve his envy? How does this relate to the final section of Malachi?
  3. Who or what is the “sun of righteousness” in Malachi 4:2? What strikes you about this imagery?
  4. Read Mal 4:2. Why are the righteous portrayed as leaping like “calves from the stall”?

Next Steps

  1. Pray for the lost, who will not rejoice when the sun of righteousness returns.
  2. Think of individual people you know who seem not to fear the Lord. Pray that God would use you to point them to Him.
  3. Thank God that the sun of righteousness brings healing in his wings, that he rescues us from our sin