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Weekly Reading Hours of the day Days of the week Minutes spent in each book window.onload = init; getTimespans() .then((timespans) = { const [hoursMap, daysMap, weeklyMap, booksMap] = timespans; const endIndex = daysMap.size - 1; const hoursChart = document.getElementById("hoursChart"); const daysChart = document.getElementById("daysChart"); const weekChart = document.getElementById("weekChart"); const bookChart = document.getElementById("bookChart"); const weeklyHoursTally = document.getElementById( "tally-display-week-hours" ); const weeklyMinutesTally = document.getElementById( "tally-display-week-minutes" ); const weeklyTotal = [...weeklyMap.values()].reduce( (prev, current) = prev + current, 0 ); weeklyHoursTally.innerText = Math.floor(weeklyTotal / 60); weeklyMinutesTally.innerText = weeklyTotal % 60; const weeklyProgress = weeklyTotal / WEEKLY_GOAL * 100; const weeklyProgressDisplay = document.getElementById('weekly-progress'); const weeklyProgressPercent = document.getElementById('weekly-progress-percent'); weeklyProgressDisplay.setAttribute('value', weeklyProgress); weeklyProgressPercent.innerHTML = `${weeklyProgress.toFixed()}% `; new Chart(weekChart, { type: "line", data: { labels: [...weeklyMap.keys()], datasets: [ { label: "Minutes in the Word", data: [...weeklyMap.values()], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true, }, }, }, }); new Chart(hoursChart, { type: "bar", data: { labels: [...hoursMap.keys()], datasets: [ { label: "Minutes in the Word", data: [...hoursMap.values()], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true, }, }, }, }); new Chart(daysChart, { type: "bar", data: { labels: [...daysMap.keys()], datasets: [ { label: "Minutes in Word", data: [...daysMap.values()], borderWidth: 1, }, ], }, options: { scales: { y: { beginAtZero: true, }, }, }, }); new Chart(bookChart, { type: "pie", data: { labels: [...booksMap.keys()], datasets: [ { label: "Time spent in each book", data: [...booksMap.values()], }, ], }, }); }) .catch((error) = console.log(error));